Sunday, April 5, 2015


Little Kiran woke up to the sound of her parents shouting. She rubbed her eyes and walked towards their bedroom. She peeked through the door and saw her mother curled up in a corner and her father was holding a cane. Just as he raised his cane to hit her, his eyes fell on Kiran. 

Suddenly his demeanor changed. He dropped the cane and smiled at Kiran. He came near her and picked her up. "Why aren't you asleep sweety? Its already late and you have school tomorrow don't you?" he said and kissed her on her cheek. Kiran did not reply and looked at her mother. By now she had got up and was smiling too.But Kiran could see the bruises on her body and the tears in her eyes, which she was trying to hide. "Come on baby let me tell you a story. May be then you will get some sleep." her mother said and took her to her bedroom.

She tucked Kiran in and recited a story from her favorite book, about a Princess who fought the enemies and saved her kingdom. "Good night sweety, sleep tight" her mother said and kissed her on her forehead. "Mumma, why does daddy beat you?" Kiran asked. Her mother was speechless and just looked at her daughter's earnest eyes . "Why can't you be brave like the princess and hit daddy back?" she asked again. With that question, something stirred inside her. Is this what I am teaching my daughter? To be submissive and endure the pain? she thought guiltily. What if the same thing happens with my daughter? Would I want her to be like me and tolerate the injustice?

She wiped her tears and looked at her daughter. She held her hand and said "Mumma will be brave like the Princess, darling. I promise you that." she said with a new found courage.

The next day Kiran's father was arrested on the charges of domestic violence. 

(This post is dedicated to all the woman, who took a stand and fought back against their perpetrators. I salute them and hope that every woman in this country find their lost voice and stand up to what is right)


  1. A good friend endured domestic violence in her first marriage. Sometimes, the most dangerous time for an abused woman is after the woman seeks help from authorities. I am holding my breath, although this is just a short story, that justice will be done. Alana -

    1. Oh sorry to hear about your friend. An abuser will be punished for a few years, but the victim will be scarred for life and it is difficult to overcome that period in their life. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. This is a touchy story...there is soo much subtle nuances like this one in daily law applies there but to stand up for one self, have belief in oneself and taking the right to live ones life...

    1. Yes Sowmya, you are right.But taking a stand requires a lot of courage. Thanks for the comment :)
