Saturday, April 4, 2015



She felt herself living inside a black hole. Nothing made sense anymore. She suffered with inexplicable sadness everyday. Some days she just felt like crawling back to bed and shut out everything. She had stopped calling her friends and family because, nobody understood her. 

They just dismissed it saying it will pass. Some even said that she was making all that up to garner attention. Her parents remarked that she had everything she ever wanted, she should feel lucky instead of feeling sad. Their comments made her start feeling guilty. 

Her performance had started getting affected at work. She lost her self confidence. One day her boss called her and told her that if her performance continued like this, he was afraid they would have to let her go. This was the last straw for her. She went home, took a container full of pills and slept, never to wake up again. 

(Depression is fast increasing among people today. Everyone should be made aware that depression is not something they made up in their head. It is an illness and with the proper treatment it can be cured. Some people are afraid to go to a psychiatrist because they are embarrassed.This is due to the lack of awareness among people regarding mental illness. Going to a psychiatrist does not mean you are crazy. It means you are brave enough to seek help)


  1. Yes.. it goes unnoticed sometimes aswell and covered up with this writeup you have shown the actual depth in a super simplistic way...:) in this challenge,is it needed to bring in the word of the day in the main story? Just curious to know, Thankyou :)

    1. I don't think it is needed to use the word in the post. Glad you likedd it :)

    2. Thankyou for your reply Changing times..:)

  2. Depression is a very tough thing - to experience, to discuss, to share, to overcome.

  3. What's so sad is if she had a broken arm, people would feel sorry for her and tell her to see a doctor right away. With depression, they say, "Get over it." Kudos to you for making others aware.

    1. Yes that is actually the sad truth. Thank you Maris:)
