Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A New Beginning

2015 is almost here. Beginning of a new year always brings with it a bitter sweet anticipation as to what surprises it holds. Sometimes your past experiences helps you move towards a new start.
They say that we should let go of our past and look forward to the future. But I think that you learn a great deal from the past experiences. It stops you from repeating the same mistakes. It molds you into a better person.

My experiences in 2014 have helped me in understanding myself better and I have learnt to accept myself as I am. I have realized that nobody can be perfect and those little imperfections are what makes me me. 

I am not perfect, but I revel in my imperfections
I have been burnt, but I have learned to rise from the ashes
I have cried, but I have learnt to wipe the tears and face the world
I have been gripped with fear, but I have learnt to move on even then
I have been crushed under the weight of self-doubt, but I bore it and did what I had to do
I have been tormented by my past, but I never lost hope and strived towards a new beginning.

Happy new year 2015 to everyone :)

(This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda)


  1. It defines who we are. Being yourself is one of the good things. Lovely post.

  2. Happy new every moment to you/us .. changing times :) this time you have inspired be me with all my imperfections...:) Thankyou

    1. Happy new year to you too. Glad you liked it :)
